Melody Skateland, 5101 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, Indiana

• Operator: Herbert R. Miner[1], (son) Ronald R. Miner & (sister) Sanja R. Puletz[2]
• Manager: Paul Sumner[3]
• Pro/Coach: Edward R. Kenski RIP (1962-1974)[4]
• Organist: [?]
• DJ: [?]
• Floor size: 200' x 100'[6]
(Plus, additional floors for beginners and club skaters.)[6]
• Floor type: Wood[2]
• Primary reason for closing: Closed, sold, but later found the buyer didn't have financing & then fire happened.[2]
(The 2001 article near bottom of page.)
• Opened: 1958[2] - 2001[2]

The End.

Courtesy Rick Garrett.[6]

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